Giant Tiger Exceeds Benchmarks, Reaching 2x Organic Pageview Targets in Traffic-Driving Campaign

Giant Tiger Holidays ‘23

← Case Study


Embarking on a journey to elevate Giant Tiger's brand awareness, Narcity Media Group tailored a campaign to attract value-conscious shoppers to their physical and online stores in the Quebec market. With a strategic approach, we tapped into the savings-focused content trend on Narcity Québec, aligning with our audience's affinity for value discovery. The campaign showcased the surprisingly affordable yet high-quality finds at Giant Tiger, positioning it as a premier destination for holiday shopping.


The campaign's impact was impressive, surpassing all benchmarks and objectives. We reached more than double our overall pageview target organically, a clear testament to the content's strong alignment with our editorial direction and audience's interests. Engagement metrics were exceptional: Google Ad CTR stood at 3%, against an industry benchmark of 0.12%, and Facebook Ad CTR was at 8.51%, significantly higher than the 1.39% industry norm. The average time spent on the page was 1:33, more than twice the 43-second Pressboard benchmark. Additionally, the campaign achieved an average scroll depth of 70.38% and an engaged read rate of 90.83%, both exceeding industry standards, underlining the campaign's profound success.

Key Results

Targeted reads
Industry benchmark for time spent on page
of our pageview target was reached organically


  • Performance Content Package
    • 1 x Article with article production
    • Organic distribution and amplification
    • Companion banner takeover (Standard ad units + skin)
Instagram Post
Instagram Post
Standard Banner
Standard Banner
Display Takeover
Display Takeover

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