Tangerine successfully becomes a powerful ally during an economic downturn, surpassing targets

Summer 2023

← Case Study


As Canada navigated an uncertain economic climate with rising inflation, Canadians needed more than just financial services—they sought genuine guidance. Tangerine Bank, in collaboration with Narcity Media Group, set out with a clear objective: to position the bank as an empowering ally in these challenging times.

Through city guides and a video series, we sought to empower Canadians to enjoy life's experiences while being financially savvy. The content showcased Tangerine Bank as a trusted companion in these times, offering practical advice on smart spending, traveling wisely, and relishing local cuisines without breaking the bank.


The campaign's success was palpable. All four articles surpassed their page view targets, and the videos outperformed their guarantees. But beyond metrics, the depth of organic engagement underscored Tangerine Bank's pivotal role in Canadians' financial journey during challenging times.

*Industry benchmark source: Pressboard

Key Results

Total impressions
Video Guarantees

*Industry benchmark in Engaged Read Rate


  •  Content
    • 4 custom articles (FR & EN)
    • 3 custom video (FR & EN)
  • Content Drivers
    • Incremental Social Amplification for Videos
    • Video Native Ad
  • Brand Media
    • Co branded & Standard Banner
    • Rich Media Click to expand
"Both Tangerine and Narcity put our customers first—so combining financial literacy with ways to save while enjoying life in the city was an awesome way to partner together. We were able to bring a fresh perspective and the results show how much this resonated with our audience."
- Natalie Jones, CMO

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